In His Image: Addressing Challenges to Biblical Sexuality

Conference for Laity & Pastors • Saturday, November 2

Saint John is hosting its fourth annual Christian Faith & Life Conference in November 2024. This year we are partnering with DOXOLOGY in this educational endeavor.

Laity and pastors will gather on Saturday to learn and participate in the following sessions:

Wonderfully Made: Christian Worldview and Sexuality (two parts)

Christian Counsel for Families of Individuals with Same Sex Attraction

Caring for the Transgender Child: Understanding the Big Picture

Pr. David Fleming and Dr. Beverly Yahnke of DOXOLOGY: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel are our presenters.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Whether you can come for the entire day or just part of it, you will leave enriched and better informed on these topics as you the bring the love, mercy, and truth of Christ to your friends and loved ones. This free conference is sponsored by the LCMS Office of National Mission.

Register Here

Click here for the Pastoral Care amidst Sexual Wreckage seminar for pastors on Friday, November 1.


Start End Description
08:30a 09:00a Check-In, Refreshments
09:00a 09:40a Matins
09:40a 09:45a Welcome, Introduction
09:45a 10:45a Session 1: Wonderfully Made: Christian Worldview and Sexuality (with Q&A)
10:45a 11:00a Break
11:00a 12:00p Session 2: Christian Counsel for Families of Individuals with Same Sex Attraction (with Q&A)
12:00p 12:45p Lunch
12:45p 02:00p Session 3: Wonderfully Made: Christian Worldview and Sexuality (with Q&A)
02:00p 02:30p Break, Refreshments
02:30p 03:45p Session 4: Caring for the Transgender Child: Understanding the Big Picture (with Q&A)
03:45p 04:00p Itinerarium

Session Summaries

Session 1: Wonderfully Made: Christian Worldview and Sexuality (part 1 of 2)

Christian teachers benefit enormously when they can talk with their students confidently about the topic of human sexuality from the perspective of a Christian worldview as opposed to the culture’s toxic representation of sex. This presentation explores biblical teachings on sexuality, including God’s design for sex within the context of marriage, the importance of chastity, and the importance of treating one’s body with respect, honoring the sanctity of sex in marriage. The role of forgiveness, grace, and healthy boundaries in romantic relationships is also discussed. | Fleming

Session 2: Christian Counsel for Families of Individuals with Same Sex Attraction

For each individual with same sex attraction who comes out, a parent, sibling, spouse, or child must respond to new realities. Relationships are often tested mightily as family members endeavor to respond compassionately and wisely to the person they love. This presentation will be helpful in supporting parents in providing a Christian response to LGB children and teens. | Yahnke

Session 3: Wonderfully Made: Christian Worldview and Sexuality (part 2 of 2)

A continuation of Session 1 above. | Fleming

Session 4: Caring for the Transgender Child: Understanding the Big Picture

Let’s break all the rules, shall we? Let’s talk about politics, religion, and sex. We’ll review competing perspectives, recommendations, and action plans regarding how to care for transgender children. This session offers a candid view of biology, gender dysphoria, myths/realities, and examines what care/despair looks like for child, parent, school, and church. This session is recommended for pastors, teachers, school boards, and anyone who loves children. | Yahnke

Presenter Biographies

Pr. David C. Fleming | Pastor Fleming is DOXOLOGY’s Executive Director for Spiritual Care. A 1986 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, he has served as pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan since 1993 (Senior Pastor 1993-2019, Associate Pastor 2019-). He is a member of the Concordia University Wisconsin Board of Regents. Pastor Fleming is an often requested presenter for district and regional conferences, Lutheran Worship conferences, and has served missionaries and pastors throughout the U.S. and world. He has authored a variety of articles and the CPH Advent resource “God Loves Me Dearly.” He and his wife, Jo Marie, have three children and three grandchildren.

Dr. Beverly K. Yahnke | Dr. Yahnke, a clinical psychologist, is DOXOLOGY’s Executive Director of Christian Counsel. During her 25 years in private clinical practice, she provided care for church workers and their families. She has also served as Department Chair and Professor of Psychology at Concordia University Wisconsin, where she was named “Faculty Laureate”. Most recently, her work with Doxology has focused on providing pastors, teachers, and church workers with opportunities for renewal and advanced training. She has written numerous articles and is a frequently invited speaker for clergy and educator conferences. She is known throughout the church as a compassionate counselor, articulate speaker, and engaging teacher.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.” … So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Genesis 1:26-27
